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2024 Christmas Show

Late registrations accepted until Sat. 10/5


Showtime: Sunday, December 15th

We invite GEFSC skaters of all ages and levels to skate in this year's Christmas Show: What Christmas Means to Me. Late registrations will be accepted no later than Saturday, October 5th. Practices begin Saturday, October 19th!

2024 Christmas Show
2024 Christmas Show

Time & Location

Late registrations accepted until Sat. 10/5

Showtime: Sunday, December 15th


We invite all GEFSC club members and all GEFSC Learn to Skate participants to be part of our 2024 Christmas Show! Skaters of all levels and from age 3 through adults are encouraged to participate. Our annual Christmas Show is a great opportunity to showcase all your hard work this year, make new friends, have fun, and spread some Christmas cheer!

Please review the details below regarding practice and show schedules, group selections, t-shirts, and additional skating number opportunities. Please talk to Grace or Aeriel with any questions, or email

Show Participation Options

We are excited to offer Specialty Group Numbers this year in addition to Primary Numbers (standard show numbers - groups, duets/trios, and solos). Skaters can sign up for a Primary Number only, Primary + 1 Specialty, or Primary + 2 Specialty. You will select which of the 3 specialty group number options you would like to participate in during checkout (RCIT, Learn to Skate, or Adult).

Additionally, skaters who have passed Preliminary Skating Skills/MIF test may sign up to participate in our Opening Number! Adults (18+) may sign up for the Adult Specialty Number as either their Primary Number or an add-on/Specialty Number. More details on each number below!

Primary Numbers: Cost: Either 1 payment of $150 (1 Pmt option) or 2 payments of $85 (2 Pmt option). Cost includes your costume. Primary Number will be a group number, duet, trio, solo, or step out solo as assigned by the show directors & GEFSC coaches based on skaters levels and the types of numbers that will create the best possible show overall. Practices for Primary Numbers will be on Saturdays from Oct. 19-Nov. 30 for 30 minutes per practice within the time frame of 11:15-12:15 PM. All show participants will also attend the rehearsals & show night as detailed in Schedule below.

*Notes on group selection: Soloists must be passed Bronze/Juv Singles and be able to perform 2 double jumps. High school seniors passed Prelim Singles may also be offered a solo. Skaters who are able to perform an axel jump may be offered a duet or trio. 

Adult Specialty Number: Skaters over the age of 18 may participate in the Adult Specialty Number as either their primary number (only skate Adult Number + Closing Number) or as an add-on number in addition to a standard Primary Number + Closing Number. Cost for Adult Number Only is either 1 payment of $100 (1 Pmt option) or 2 payments of $50 (2 Pmt option). If you will also be skating a Primary Number, the cost to add this number is $55. Practices for the Adult Number will be on Sundays from 5-5:30 PM on 11/10, 11/24, 12/1, and 12/8. All show participants will also attend the rehearsals & show night as detailed in Schedule below. We're excited to highlight our adult skaters in the show this year!

RCIT Specialty Number: Skaters who tried out for the 2024-25 RCIT Season on 9/16/24 are eligible to participate in the RCIT Specialty Number in addition to their Primary Number! We can't wait to show off what RCIT can do in this year's show. Practices for the RCIT Number will be on Sundays from 4:30-5 PM on 11/10, 11/24, 12/1, and 12/8. All show participants will also attend the rehearsals & show night as detailed in Schedule below. Specialty Number Cost: $55.

Learn to Skate Specialty Number: Skaters who have participated in our Tuesday night Learn to Skate classes anytime in 2024 are eligible to participate in the Learn to Skate Specialty Number. We are so proud of our LTS class skaters and want to give you a special time to shine in the show! Practices for the LTS Number will be on Tuesdays during our standard Tuesday Learn to Skate class time on 12/3 & 12/10. All show participants will also attend the rehearsals & show night as detailed in Schedule below. Specialty Number Cost: $55. Includes a show t-shirt, which we will wear for the number!

Opening Number: We'd love for all of our skaters who have passed Preliminary Skating Skills/MIF test to participate in our Opening Number! Opening number practices will immediately follow Primary Number practices on Saturdays from 12:15-12:45 PM on 10/19, 11/2, 11/16, and 11/30 (every other week). Opening number cost, including a costume: $70.

*Talk with Grace or Aeriel if you'd like help understanding the options and what is right for your skater!


Saturday, October 5 - Last Call Registration Deadline

Saturday, October 19 - Primary Number & Opening Number Practices Begin

Sunday, November 10 - Adult Number & RCIT Number Practices Begin

Tuesday, December 3 - LTS Number Practices Begin

Saturday, December 7 - Run-Through Rehearsal 11:15-12:45 (All Show Participants)

Friday, December 13 - Dress Rehearsal 5-8 PM (All Show Participants)

Saturday, December 14 - Extra Practice 11:15-12:45, as needed for individual numbers

Sunday, December 15 - Show Time 6 PM (Skaters arrive by 5 PM)

*We will send you a schedule with all of your practice & rehearsal dates based on your skater's numbers prior to the first practice!

**Attendance at practices is crucial for a great performance! Please make every effort to attend EVERY practice. Skaters may miss a maximum of 2 practices. If your skater may miss more than 2 practices, please discuss with show directors before signing up.

Additional Options

1. Show T-Shirt - $18

2. Good Luck/Skater Support Ads - Write a message for your skater to be included in our digital show program!

  • Small  (1/8 page) - $10

  • Medium (1/4 page) -  $15

  • Large (1/2 page) - $30

3. Business Ads/Sponsorships (Coming Soon) - Please let us know of any businesses that may be interested.

Registration Info

  • Late Registrations Deadline: Saturday, October 5th at 11:59 PM Central Time

  • Registrations are online only.

  • If you are registering more than one skater in a family, please complete a separate registration for each skater.

  • If you choose a plan with 2 separate payments, your first payment is due upon registration and second payment is due November 1st, 2024.

  • If you would like to pay with club credit, please contact Grace or

    for a coupon code.

  • Participants must be GEFSC club members or Learn to Skate seasonal members for the season beginning July 1, 2024.

  • Each family will be part of a volunteer committee to help our show run smoothly. There are several options for how to contribute - We understand that everyone's skills and schedules vary!


  1. My skater is in Basic Skills. What do we sign up for?

    Skaters can participate at any level, starting with Snowplow 1 and Basic 1! We will put basic skills skaters into a group number based on their age and level - This is your “Primary” number! To sign up for this primary group number only, purchase the Primary Number Only option. In addition, if your skater has participated in Tuesday night Learn to Skate classes anytime in 2024, they can choose to participate in an


    number, the Learn to Skate number, which will include skaters of all ages and levels who participate in Learn to Skate classes! To sign up for a primary group number


    the Learn to Skate number, purchase the Primary + 1 Specialty option and select Learn to Skate as your specialty number when checking out.

  2. I want to do my primary number (group/duet/trio/solo) and one of the specialty group numbers. What do I sign up for?

    The three Specialty Group Numbers are: RCIT, Learn to Skate, and Adult. If you want to do just one of those three, purchase the Primary + 1 Specialty option. If you want to do 2, purchase Primary + 2 Specialty. You will select


    of the 3 specialty group numbers you are signing up for when you check out!

The Christmas Show has become a highlight of the skating season, and we hope you will join us to be part of a great show this year! With any questions, please email, call 812-479-7401, or talk with Grace or Aeriel.


  • Primary Number Only (1 Pmt)

    Standard show registration for 1 Primary Number + Closing Number (all skaters). Primary Number will be a group number, duet, trio, solo, or step out solo as assigned by the show directors & GEFSC coaches based on skaters' levels and other factors to create the best possible show overall.

  • Primary Number Only (2 Pmts)

    Standard show registration for 1 Primary Number + Closing Number (all skaters). Primary Number will be a group number, duet, trio, solo, or step out solo as assigned by the show directors & GEFSC coaches based on skaters' levels and other factors to create the best possible show overall. First payment due upon registration, second payment of $85 due November 1, 2024.

  • Primary + 1 Specialty (1 Pmt)

    Standard show registration for 1 Primary Number + 1 Specialty Group Number + Closing Number (all skaters). Primary Number will be a group number, duet, trio, solo, or step out solo as assigned by the show directors & GEFSC coaches based on skaters' levels and other factors to create the best possible show overall. Select your Specialty Number (Learn to Skate, RCIT, or Adult) during checkout.

  • Primary + 1 Specialty (2 Pmts)

    Standard show registration for 1 Primary Number + 1 Specialty Number + Closing Number (all skaters). Primary Number will be a group number, duet, trio, solo, or step out solo as assigned by the show directors & GEFSC coaches based on skaters' levels and other factors to create the best possible show overall. Select your Specialty Number (Learn to Skate, RCIT, or Adult) during checkout. First payment due upon registration, second payment of $85 due November 1, 2024.

  • Primary + 2 Specialty (1 Pmt)

    Standard show registration for 1 Primary Number + 2 Specialty Group Numbers + Closing Number (all skaters). Primary Number will be a group number, duet, trio, solo, or step out solo as assigned by the show directors & GEFSC coaches based on skaters' levels and other factors to create the best possible show overall. Select your Specialty Numbers (Learn to Skate, RCIT, or Adult) during checkout.

  • Primary + 2 Specialty (2 Pmts)

    Standard show registration for 1 Primary Number + 2 Specialty Numbers + Closing Number (all skaters). Primary Number will be a group number, duet, trio, solo, or step out solo as assigned by the show directors & GEFSC coaches based on skaters' levels and other factors to create the best possible show overall. Select your Specialty Numbers (Learn to Skate, RCIT, or Adult) during checkout. First payment due upon registration, second payment of $85 due November 1, 2024.

  • Adult Number Only (1 Pmt)

    Standard show registration for Adult Specialty Number + Closing Number (all skaters). If you would like to skate a standard Primary Number in addition to the Adult Specialty Number, please instead purchase Primary + 1 Specialty and select Adult as your specialty number during checkout.

  • Adult Number Only (2 Pmts)

    Standard show registration for Adult Specialty Number + Closing Number (all skaters). If you would like to skate a standard Primary Number in addition to the Adult Specialty Number, please instead purchase Primary + 1 Specialty and select Adult as your specialty number during checkout. First payment due upon registration, second payment of $50 due November 1, 2024.

  • Opening Number (passed prelim)

    Open the show with us! For skaters passed Preliminary Skating Skills test. Costume included.

  • Show T-Shirt

    Short sleeve t-shirt with show logo/design on front. It's not required to purchase a t-shirt; skaters who have one will wear it at the Run-Through Rehearsal. Note: If participating in the Learn to Skate Specialty Number, you will already receive a t-shirt and don't need to purchase one separately.

  • Good Luck Ad - Small

    Good Luck/Skater Support Ads - Write a message for your skater to be included in our digital show program! Small (1/8 page) - $10 Medium (1/4 page) - $15 Large (1/2 page) - $30

  • Good Luck Ad - Medium

    Good Luck/Skater Support Ads - Write a message for your skater to be included in our digital show program! Small (1/8 page) - $10 Medium (1/4 page) - $15 Large (1/2 page) - $30

  • Good Luck Ad - Large

    Good Luck/Skater Support Ads - Write a message for your skater to be included in our digital show program! Small (1/8 page) - $10 Medium (1/4 page) - $15 Large (1/2 page) - $30




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